Due May 2010?

Baby K

Registered User
Well, I started the due "Jan 2010" thread and so I would start this one as well. Things didn't go according to plan last time and we lost our little one at about 9 weeks, it's still early days now but fingers crossed that everything looks ok. I wanted to post to give a little hope to all of those ladies out there going through miscarriages, it is a really heartbreaking experience, but there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Anyway, I guess an April - June forum will open up soon, but in the meantime, any April / May ladies out there yet?
Congratulations Canadienne! I'm due 17 May if everything goes according to plan. 6 weeks check up tomorrow and so I am praying for a heartbeat, even though I know it may be a little too early.
Hi BabyK,

Just wanted to send you warm wishes that everything goes well with this pregnancy. I too suffered a miscarriage before becoming pregnant again. I lost our little one at 8 weeks. Luckily I fell pregnant again within 2 months of the miscarriage and am now 28.5 weeks pregnant. The worry and stress never ends (although now my focus has turned to the reality of having to give birth!). The only advice I can offer is to try and stay positive. Believe that everything will work out and find a very understanding OBGYN. My doctor ended up putting me on progesterone tablets during my first trimester to boost my pregnancy hormones to prevent another miscarriage.

Sending you all the support and warm wishes in the world. Good luck!
Thanks Monty. My doctor (Lucy Lord) has been great, both through the miscarriage and so far in this early pregnancy. The 6 wk scan went well yesterday and we saw a heartbeat which was such a relief as we never got to see a heartbeat last time. Fingers crossed that things look better this time!!
Congratulations Baby K and canadienne. The first 12 weeks is a bit nerve wracking. I have finally got that behind me and with the good news on the Down's test today I feel like this is all happening for real. All the best to you both and hope to catch up soon.
Thanks sunrays - congratulations on your pregnancy too! We haven't had a Team May meeting yet, I'm thinking we should get past the 12 week mark before getting too carried away! Let us know if you get an April group together, just in case we don't have many May babies!

PS How are you doing with morning sickness? I'm only 7 weeks and suffering really badly, which is getting tough with a full time job. I'm praying that this doesn't last too long!
I've been very lucky and not hand any morning sickness, but I didn't have any last time either. Saying that I was exhausted for the first 12 weeks. Getting my second wind now!!

Think the April lot will try and meet up soon. Keep an eye on that thread.
Hello there, congratulations to all the May moms! I am about 10 weeks pregnant and about to move from Tokyo to HK. People have suggested Dr. Lucy Lord and Sally Fergusons as good ob-gyns. Anyone has any experience with them? My main concern is a doctor who is a bit relaxed about the whole process since research tells me that birthing in HK can be a bit rigid/conservative. My main concerns are being able to avoid an unnecessary epidural and episiotomy and having an ob-gyn who will be cooperative about this.
Also due in May!

Hi everyone! I'm due on May 16, now at end of 13th week. I'm Canadian and been living in HK for 9 years.
Any of you working moms-to-be? Would love to meet up and start a group!
Should we do one before the Xmas holidays?
Due in first week of May

Hi all,

Congratulations to all! happy to finally join this club, given we have been TTC for over 2 years!

Looking forward to getting together sometime in Dec...any takers?


hey sorry for the delayed response, yes i am in HK side. u? can meet some where in Central sometime this week or next?

let me know
happy new year may mommies! shall we try to organize something for this month? who's up for it? or join in with the april-june group?
I am game...I am travelling for 2 weeks starting mid next week, but otherwise free so would be great to finally meet!


Unfortuantely I am flying on the 13th, can do any day before that. Else pls carry on and I will join the next get together. Cheers
Hi everyone,

Can I join your group? I'm due May 6th and would like to meet other mums to be. Lunch sounds great and the 13th would work for me.