Dropping all naps


Registered User
Just wondering, at what age did your child stop napping? My 28.5 month old son has for the past 10 months usually taken a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon and slept for 9.5 - 10 hours a night. He is usually really really tired in the afternoons and loves his naps. The past two days though he has been full of energy at nap tome in the afternoon and hasn't gone down for his nap. As a result he is sleeping one hour earlier at night and waking up less at night (he used to be light sleeper at night and wake up a few times). So I was just wondering what other people's experience with naps are. Thanks!
My oldest dropped all of her naps at 21 months and before that only napped once a day for about 30 minutes... so count yourself lucky!
perhaps your son is usually a light sleeper at night because he is sleeping so much during the day?

it's a tough call. my son dropped his naps by the age of 2. now, if he naps(he's 6), he sleeps about 2-3 hours later at night (not fun!). my daughter(4 yrs), on the other hand, loves her naps and can sleep for 2 hours during the day and still sleep all night long. when she doesn't nap during the day, she often chooses not to eat dinner but to go to bed at 6:15-6:30pm instead!
My daughter is much like Carang's son, she stopped napping shortly after she turned 2. She sleeps 12 hours a night and no nap. If she DOES happen to have a nap for whatever reason, she will go to sleep later at night - usually a 1 hr nap, she'll sleep 1 hr later etc... Her friends who still nap at age 2 and 10 months sleep more like 9-10 hours at night. I think I prefer her sleeping longer at night, personally!!
My 3.5 year old still has a 1.5 - 2 hour nap at 1pm. He is tired from school in the morning. Still goes down at 7pm but is usually chatting and singing until about 8pm.
It really seems to vary from child to child. My eldest had pretty much dropped naps by just over 2 and slept 12 hours at night. My youngest is 26 months and still has a 1.5-2.5 hr nap but sleeps 10.5 hrs at night, but he just cannot go regularly for a whole day without a nap- occasionally he will have 10 mins in the car/bus etc and then stay awake the rest of the day but he is hanging out for bedtime then and will probably have an extra long nap the next day. No matter what time he goes to bed he still wakes up early (like his father). Friends kids dropped naps anywhere from 2-4, I know a few 4 year olds who have only just dropped them.
My son who will be 3 early in december has a 2-hour nap every afternoon which he really enjoys.However if he has a good company he'll go without it, but I make sure that this doesn't happen very often