Dora the Explorer - Clothing


Registered User

I hate to ask as I wanted to stay away from cartoon clothes for as long as possible but am having trouble toilet training and think that some Dora underpants will help as she loves Dora so much!

I guess it could be worse. Dora isn't that bad a role model!

Anyone who has seen Dora clothes in stores, please let me know where so I can see if they have underpants!!
same here. i stocked up on dora panties once i saw them at mothercare, but it was many months ago.. i don't know whether they still have them. should call & reserve them before u go down to the store.

as for clothing. you can choose the picture & have them printed at this stall on Li Yuen West Street in Central.
just a note to the group.

my helper went back to the Philippines for holiday and brought back sooo many dresses with cartoon print on for bub, Dora, Barney etc. was very nice of her... in case anyone has helper going back, maybe you can ask them to watch out for it and pay them back when they're back. don't think they're expensive, my girl loves them.