Does anyone know a Paediatric Doc who supports delaying vaccination?


Registered User
Hi there, just wondering if there are other parents in HK who have delayed one or more vaccines? And if so, who was your doctor? And how long did you delay for? Thanks :o)
When I want to avoid a vaccination, and do not wish to be lectured by a PD, I see Dr. Gerald Wong, who is from Lauren Bramley and Associates. The PD there is Dr. Ken Chan, he is nice and will tell me I'm being silly but respects my wishes. He will never press me for anything I'm not comfortable with. If he does feel strongly about it, he will nag a little.

My son's vaccination scheduled was delayed and my daughter has had no vaccinations since she was 4 months old. He is now almost 6 years old, and we've had no dramas and she's 17 months, again, so far no dramas.
I have both delayed and declined Vaccinations. We use Dr Thondup and he has been supportive of my decisions
Thanks for the replies ladies :)

Aussie mum, How much does Dr Thondup charge for consultation? And which vaccines did u delay / decline?
Vaccination schedules

Dear Quasimother or anyone else in the know,

Could you please post exactly what vax schedule you are using (which shots at what ages, etc..)?
Anyone know what the delayed vaccination schedule from Dr. Sears looks like? Any details would be greatly appreciated.
Also, any definitive answer as to whether vaccines in HK are thimerosal-free or not? AND, has anyone had success finding separate MMR vaccines and with which doctor?
Could you please post exactly what vax schedule you are using
Most people will go with Hong Kong as they are living and breathing Hong Kong air and diseases:
There are a few select parents who wont be here very long and wish to follow their own countries schedule but vast majority follow Hong Kong.

Also, any definitive answer as to whether vaccines in HK are thimerosal-free or not?
Ask your doctor and/or check internet when you find out the brand that is being recommended. Different doctors use different ones.

has anyone had success finding separate MMR vaccines and with which doctor?
No country in the world recommends giving the three vaccines separately and since that kook Wakefield was thoroughly discredited, what possible reason could you have to separate the vaccines?
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I wouldn't be so dismissive of it... If you think about it... Why would they admit to it... There would be trillions of dollars of lawsuits towards governments and the pharmaceutical companies.

These figures would alert any parent to be careful what they pump into their children at such a vulnerable age:

Past & Present: Autism
Prevalence Rate

1985: The prevalance of Autism is 1 in 2500 births
2000: Autism rates rise to 1 in 500
2004: 1 in 166 children are affected with Autism
2009: An astounding 1 in 91 births result in an Autism diagnosis

A new study by the CDC shows the autism prevalence rate is much higher than originally thought (1 in 150). According to the study, autism affects 1 in 91 children. And 1 in 58 boys, totaling an estimated 673,000 or approximately 1% of all children in the United States. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention October, 2009).

Some food for thought....