Dishonest Helper :(


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My helper has been working for us for almost 8 months. She was new to HK but had worked elsewhere before.

Today I gave her $800 to go to the market today. I usually give her that much as I ask her to buy 3 days worth of food, etc each time. I gave her one $500 note and three $100 notes.

When she came home I noticed she did not buy several items I'd asked her. I had to ask her why, THEN she told me "I have something to tell you Mam, you only gave me $500"

I was shocked. Literally, WTF went across my mind. I counted the $800 in front of her, and there were only 4 notes in total. She told me I gave her 5 $100 notes. Immediately I knew something was fishy. But she just couldn't explain and kept saying she's honest and I can deduct from her salary. At that point I just had a hunch she was making everything up as she's so "easy" in telling me to deduct the $300 from her salary... had that meant she did take it so it wouldn't matter at all?

I tripled checked my own money and I indeed gave her $800. I wrote it down as a reminder for myself each time money is taken out for grocery shopping.

How I picture it is that she got confused herself after keeping the $300 for herself and she should have told me she only had one $500 note and there were no $100 notes. I'm legally trained myself hence I would always write down and be super careful what I take out especially with money to helpers. But I should have written down the amount and asked HER to sign for each time (I will start doing that now).

This is my first time hiring a helper and throughout the years I've seen how my parents treat our helpers and I of course treat mine like a friend. I think she may have taken my niceness for granted. Just now I had asked her to correct something and she was pissed off at me?? Another wtf moment.

I also have an newborn at home and I sometimes need her to keep an eye out on him if I need to go out briefly. I don't want her to mistreat my son.

I don't have any evidence against her... is there anything I could do? The employment agency I hired her from is actually a family friend of my parents, could I consult her? Or would it be pointless as I dont have proof?

We have an ipod and 1 baby blanket missing at home already...

I'm seriously considering installing cameras at home now...
How odd! You've counted the money in front of her, and she still says you gave her only $500? Do you think she dropped it?

Maybe keep a simple accounts book in the kitchen and get her to sign every time you give her money and she can record what she spends at the market. This is what we do and then we check the balance weekly and will give her so more money.
How odd! You've counted the money in front of her, and she still says you gave her only $500? Do you think she dropped it?

Maybe keep a simple accounts book in the kitchen and get her to sign every time you give her money and she can record what she spends at the market. This is what we do and then we check the balance weekly and will give her so more money.

If she dropped it how did she come up with 5 $100 notes when i specifically gave her 1 $500 and 3 $100?

I still think she's lying because she told me she had no money left on her phone to call me at the time. But when she was self explaining herself she slipped out that she topped up her phone with her own money on her day off (yesterday) and only has $60 left. She told me to check her wallet.

So do you give your helper a sum each week ie $1000 and ask her to keep records and receipts?