Diarrhea or not?


Registered User
My 4 month old have in the past week or so, pooing a little more than usual, not in terms of volume but frequency. The colour seems normal and the texture a little on the soft side but not watery. He's been drooling, sucking fingers and biting the teat of the bottle every time, could he be teething? Also I started giving him a little rice cereal just once yesterday for him to try, he seemed to like it a lot. I expect him to poo a little more on solids but I only started yest and gave him just less than half a small bowl to try so I don't think the poo situation has much to do with this. Other than the frequency of poo, he plays, eats and sleeps just fine, still a happy bubbly bub. Has anyone had similar experiences?
normal for a baby that age can be 5 times per day or once every 5 days...

sounds like he's ok. if you are overly concerned then take him to the doctor. that will put your mind at rest.
ok thanks carang, just that he's been once a day for the past two months, it was only in the past week that he's been more than 3 times a day. he's also on formula not breastfeeding if that makes a difference. anyway, i am taking him to the dr. tomoro just incase but from what i've read from books and websites, they recommend that more than 2 loose bowel movements a day should be reported to the dr., that's what caused me to wonder.
Incase anyone is interested to know, my son isn't teething afterall, not yet anyway, but he does have diarrhea and it's apparently from his new found habit of putting fingers in his mouth, swallowing germs and all. It's nothing serious but the dr. put him on soy formula and some powdered medication to mix in with until his stools become normal again. Diarrhea once in a while is inevitable esp when babies start to put anything and everything in their mouths, however it's always safe to check with your dr. as there's so many degrees of diarrhea.
thanks a lot carang, i'm sure it'll take a few more days to clear up but otherwise he's doing well.