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Hai Moms,

My 22 month old son needs to have his hands on my hair to sleep.
He has to pull,twist and what not.
When i tried to cover my hair in a scarf he got damn angry and started hitting me.He also needs to suck his other thumb meanwhile.

I am feeling desperate.
I havent come across anyone saying this though i have read it on the net.

Can someone suggest some ways out of this Hair mess?
Thankyou so much for ur time and ur comments are really appreciated.

Kids do develop something or the other to soothe themselves while sleeping. My neice had the same habit as your son, twisting, pulling her mother's hair while sleeping. But her mother allowed her to do it and the habit continued until she was 4/5 years old.
My suggestion is that if you want to stop it then you have to put a stop on it now. It won't be easy, pretty much like weaning I would say. Talk to him during the day time telling him you don't like it or it's not ok to do. Keep reinforcing it. Give him a time limit..say you'll count to ten and then he must stop. Be consistent. It might take a week or more. and he's not going to be happy but if you give in it'll be tougher to stop. Keep talking to him, especially when he's in a good mood and awake about how it hurts you or something like that.
Good luck .
Thanx scr,

Yup i have been giving in for his hair love for a long time now.
I tried telln him how it hurts esp when he is really pissed off....but i guess i need to be patient.

Any ideas on weaning form thumb sucking?i tried bite X which tests just HORRIBLE and we cudn believe it when he just din mind it.

Thanx again.

I don't necessarily see thumb sucking as an evil. It's probably something to worry about if it goes on for too long, but then a friend of mine confessed to thumb sucking even when she was 11 ! (and her teeth are fine) I remember my cousin doing it without a care while we were in preschool. If it was me I would let it be for now.Weaning him off your hair and his thumb at the same time might be too traumatic maybe. Does he do it all the time or only when sleeping ?
Hi Scr,

ur friend is on the lucky side then,i think.I hope my sn is too.
He thumb sucks the most when he wants to sleepand even while he is sleeping.
He also thumb sucks when he is tired with all his toys. And its not always possible for me to entertain him coz i might be in the kitchen coking dinner or so.

i am just trying to pacify myself that all this will go off as soon as he goes to school including drinking from the bottole.

Thanx again for ur time.
engee said:
i am just trying to pacify myself that all this will go off as soon as he goes to school including drinking from the bottole.


This may not son goes to pre nursey & he still drinks milk at home from a bottle...even though his class teacher told me at school he drinks milk in a glass....

I even tried to not offer the bottle at home...instead he stopped drinking after 2 days I had to give in & give him the bottle....
Oh i see.
Thanku rads for the info.funny isn't it?
anyways as long as they are well and healthy guess all this doesn't matter.

how is the potty training going on?