Cough and runny nose - first aid


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What do you usually give your toddler at the first sign of colds? i used to have some homeopath pills but i don't have it anymore - where can i get it over the counter?

For clogged nose, i used Olbas from bumps to babes.

Any other home remedy that works? thanks.
lots and lots of warm water, plenty of rest, breast milk..
humidifier , if you dont have one, a basin of water in the room..
I use the vapouriser (humidifier) during the night and some demazin (a bit like dimetapp - antihistamine to clear the nose). During the day I try and let them get through it without anything but offer extra drinks.
keep your little one well hydrated. when my son is sick with a cold, he has water ready to go 24/7 in addition to his scheduled milk feeds. for us, that usually seems like the best as everytime we've got medicine from the doctor, it doesn't really seem to lesson the symptoms....
chicken soup, lots of water, vicks vapour-rub on the chest and back, oranges, watermelon. The FDA doesn't recommend giving children under 6 any kind of medication for colds.
For cough (kids over 2yrs old only) put vicks vapour rub on their feet and cover with socks when they sleep - it was a tip passed to me and it really seems to work, coincidence or not!
where can I get the vicks vapour rub? My son has been sick for about a week now. First, high fever, and the doctor's medicines work for his fever only, but not his cough and running nose. My problem with him is he doesn't like to drink water. what can I do? What types of food is good for cough? according to the Chinese doctors, orange is bad for cough. Please help!
they call it MENTHOLATUM here, it's exactly the same stuff.

as for oranges being bad....i've heard that hundreds of times. i have to go against my m-i-l every time and insist that my kids eat oranges or drink orange juice. it's the vitamin C that helps, which oranges are very high in.
Agree with orange being good for vit. C.

I know grapes is not good for cough, well, it might be the same myth as orange but i avoid giving it if he has cough. ;-)
personally, when my kids are sick they lose so much appetite that i give them almost anything they want...junk food is the exception.