Comment on Ling Nam Kindergarten in Stubb's road


Registered User
Would like to invite for sharing on Ling Nam Kindergarten. My son just got an offer of K1. I would like to know the curriculum, teacher, statistics on P1 result and will their primary school admit all their kindergarten students?:smile:
A really good friend sends her daughter there for kindergarten. The good news, is you're pretty much guaranteed a place if you want to continue on it Lingnam for primary school onwards. The parents are very loving and the whole curriculum/environment is very child-centered. However, if you're concerned about getting her into a "name-brand" local primary school or an international school, they're not so focused on that - meaning they won't train your child to answer the "10,000 most common interview questions" and all that. My friend is from an English speaking household so she thinks the English there is not as high as an international school's, but still better that most local school's. Hope this helps!
Thanks for sharing. In that case, assuming kids can continue primary education in Lingnam Primary school after kindergarten, what will be the ususal path for secondary education? I understand from my friends that parents need to think about secondary education as well when they decide the kindergarten. I also learn from my friends that most kids will not continue secondary education in LingNam secondary school.
I have friends with kids at Lingnan, and altho its true they do not train you to get into the top local schools, many students have indeed progressed into the "traditional top schools" like DGS, St Paul's etc. I know at least 3-4 parents with sons/daughters in that league. The comment I received was that although it is true that the kids will have to work harder at P1 to "catch up", the parents did not regret sending their kids to LN because they were SO happy there.

My son has been accepted into Lingnan and altho I live on Kowloon side I am considering sending him there because the environment is very loving, plus lots of kids come from expat/english speaking homes, so I hve been told that English has never been a concern for these parents.
Thanks for sharing. I agree with you that environment is lovely there. I also live in Kowloon and am considering to move to HK to save travel time of my son.