Cloth diapering with twins


New member
Hi, we have boy/girl twins and I wanted to take a moment to say that YES you can cloth diaper multiples. I have met many MoMs that said no way to all the extra work but as long as you can organize you can do it. It is a little extra laundry but the paybacks are worth it. Especially the money you will save from dipaering two bums!
Thanks for this. I am currently 10 weeks with my first pregnancy - so the twins bit came as a bit of a shock! I have been thinking about cloth nappies but was thinking the babies would be too small at the start. Do cloth diapers fit 5lb babies? And would you recommend a particular brand?
How did you cloth diaper your twins?
? Used 1-2 diapers per day and washed them every night.
? Used 1-2 diapers per day, washed every 2-3 days
? Used 1-2 diapers per day and washed them every second day
? Used 1-2 diapers per day, washed every third day