Clingy toddler and co-sleeping?


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The past 2 months my 2 yo toddler has become particularly clingy and naughty with me. She is generally very independent and confident. I work full-time, so in the evenings she looks forward to my coming home, and her bedtime routine of story books and being put to bed. She has started also stalling at bedtime, wanting to read ALL her storybooks and complains when the light is switched off. Some nights I have to work late in which case she does not get her bedtime stories. She will go to sleep by herself, but wake up later in the night, 11pm or so, and cry, wanting me to comfort her. Now she is starting to do this regularly and want to come to my bed to sleep. So far we have managed to keep her in her room, but she will sleep fitfully and keep waking up and crying for comfort. She has been successfully sleeping in her own room since 6 mths, now she has her cotbed in her own room with a safety gate. I don't mind bringing her to my bed occasionally but think that she will be confused, with some nights in my bed and other nights in hers, ending up with her refusing to sleep in her own bed. I have some overnight trips coming up and worry that the night wakings and crying will get worse. I know that co-sleeping is a very personal decision, for me I don't want to undo all the independent sleep training that has been achieved so far. She has a good sleep routine, bedtime at 7.30/8pm and wakes up around 6/7AM, with a daytime nap of 2-3 hrs. THe one change to her routine is her starting playgroup in the past month. Any suggestions?
It might be that she no longer needs such a long daytime nap. My 2yr old started playing up at bedtime recently and getting up in the night. I cut his nap back from 2-2.5hrs to 1hr and it has made all the difference.
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I think aussie mum's suggestion is a good one, definitely worth a try. We had this happen with our daughter at various times; like yours she had slept in her own room since 6 months old, but we have been through quite a few phases where she will start waking at night and wanting to come in our bed. I sometimes let her stay and other times took her back to bed (usually depending on how tired I was!) and I honestly don't think it made any difference ie. there was no confusion. She is also generally very independent/confident. I did find that these phases often started at least because of something like moving house or a new class at pre school etc so I do think the playgroup may have triggered it. Probably not much help, but just to say our daughter is now 4 and sleeps happily in her own bed 98% of the time - but if she is sick for example or if her dad is away she may materialise at my bedside. So if the nap reduction doesn't work, at least be reassured that this is highly unlikely to be a permanent change, it might just take a bit of persistence in returning her to her bed when she does want to come in with you. Good luck