Chickenpox vaccine


Registered User
Hi everyone! Wanted to know do most of you give your toddlers the chicken pox/varicella vaccine that can be given between 1-2 years? I've heard very mixed opinions about it, including that it doesn't really work so would love to hear your input. Thanks!
my son had the vaccine. It has been one year now and he hasn't caught chilcken pox. They say that they could get worst case of shingles when they are adults but so can people who had chicken pox. We have seen and known children with chicken pox all covered in spots, itchy, sore, feverish and absolutely very uncomfortable/misrable. We were not going to put my son through this when there is a vaccine. Unnecessary. At most he will get a fever.
We gave it at 12 months to our children. Seeing as though the rates of chicken pox have gone down a lot since the vaccine porgram started, I would have to say it most likely does work. This vaccine has beeen around for at least 25 years, it is not a "new" vaccine. True you can't know if it will work in 50 years, but thus far research supports its use.
I am planning to give me daughter vaccine next month. Last two months, already two people I knew, got the chicken pox. Better do the shot.
Thanks a lot everyone, I appreciate all the input. In the UK, where we moved from, it was not general practice to give the varicella vaccine, hence my confusion. I think I'll go ahead and give him the shots as soon as possible.:thanks
Please correct me if I am wrong, but according to my understanding, the chichkenpox vaccine will only lessen/reduce the effects from the pox but could not entirely rule out the catching of the pox. I have friends with babies having the vaccine but still catch it when her cousins have it. But of course, the situation is relatively mild.