Can I take Panadol while still breastfeeding?


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Can anyone tell me if it is ok to take panadol tablets when still breastfeeding as I have a really bad headache now?
Yes you can, I was sick a few times while bf and they gave me panadol to take. I used to take it after I'd fed so that it had more chance of leaving my body before the next feed, but according to my dr and also my paediatrician it's fine.
I think you can. Panadol is paracetamol which is the equivalent as what is known as Tylenol in the US.

When I was breastfeeding my lactation consultant suggested using ibuprofin instead, though. Not sure why.
My sister-in-law is a doctor and she said I could take Ibuprofun whilst breast feeding. I had a plugged duct and was in a lot of pain.
I was given Panadol in hospital after delivery and again when I had mastitis, so yes it is OK to take while breastfeeding.