Brushing teeth



Is there a book teaching kids about brushing their teeth ( like potty training) ?

Thanks for your help

I don't think there are any full books devoted to the topic but in baby care books there tend to be snippets about it. In Baby Love by Robin Barker, she recommends putting a little rag into the babies mouth during their bath time, and brushing with a toothbrush with no toothpaste/ or baby tooth paste until the child can spit the flouride out.
As a dental hygienist I always recommend to new moms to use a wash cloth to wipe the gums after feeding. This is not so much to do with dental but instead to get the child use to having someone else in their mouths .. makes it much easier in the future to help them brush their teeth rather than fighting them. When they do finally get their first teeth, introduce a child's brush without toothpaste. They will first most likely just gnaw on it which is fine but then help them by brushing small circular motions around each tooth. Toothpaste is not a necessary factor to remove plaque from the teeth, it is only imperative to have toothbrush contact.

Hope this helps.
yes angelam this is waht we did while we brushed we gave him the brush and he would put it in his mouth and follow our actions and then after a week we added toothpaste it is better than fighting with him to brush

thanks for your advice