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My baby girl will complete 5 months next week. She resists being put on her side and starts to cry immediately. While sleeping as well she keeps her head absolutely straight up. While feeding she only turns her head and if I try to turn her entire body she stops feeding and starts crying. I have been putting her on her tummy since she was 3 months and she stays for a maximum of 2 mins before getting tired/ crying. She also prefers to look only towards the right side unless there something very attractive on the left. Her Paed thinks she has a stiff neck muscle called Sternomastoid Tumour which he says is very common so we need not worry. He did not do any investigation to give this diagnosis; it was just based on symptoms which I thought was strange. After my insisting he gave a referral to see a Physiotherapist. I visited 2 of them and they both did not give satisfactory diagnosis as to why she feels uncomfortable being put on the side and prefers to look onto the right side 90% of the times. One of them even said she is way to young feel comfortable on her side or start rolling over. Am I worrying too much without reason??