Baby waking at night...


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Hi, I hope someone can help...! My 7mth son has been waking up every
night around 3:30-4:00 crying it seems in pain... I have tried offering
water, milk, pacifier, teething gel - all rejected. Nothing works
except for carrying him around for 1/2 hr and then cuddling him to
sleep in our bed. When i put him down in his crib, he starts again.
He sucks his thumb furiously. what could it be:confused:????!!! We are
exhausted ...
it is probably teething. Gel generally calms them for sometime only. U can check if his gums are swollen if so then he is teething, putting everything in their mouth is also common. Our son is als 10 months old and he gets up in the middle of nite once a week and then refuses to be put down. Nothing we can do just hope this phases passes.
thanks neha. A friend has suggested a homeopathic teething pain reliever which is supposed to be v. effective - am trying it tonight and will see how it goes..!
it is because of teething i guess,i read somewhere that teeth comes out in the night time only. its a difficult period for the baby. My baby also had the same problem .
one more thing you keep giving your baby homeopathic medicine untill 2- 3 yrs. Dont miss even for few days. i have done this and suffered a lot for this.
you're not alone! my previously FANTASTIC sleeper has suddenly decided to wake more than she did as a newborn! she's now 7.5 months.

although i think that teething is playing a part in her nightly shenanigans....i have noticed that she is refusing to sleep on her back in favour of her side. i have a feeling that she sleeps for too long in one position and her arm gets sore from her head resting on it. she then wakes and cries it out until the pain subsides....then promptly goes back to sleep on that same arm!

i've tried everything to get her to sleep in a less uncomfortable position, but it only lasts about 10 seconds before she rolls over to her side again....
Hi manya feb thanks for the tip, will make sure we keep up with the homeopathic pills!!
Carang, I think you're probably right, mine is also moving from back to side. when i put him on his back he wakes up v.quickly in a fright - but only in his crib!! when he comes into our bed, magically, the side pose is perfecting fine.... have you tried putting her on her tummy?
fingers crossed the pills work somewhat!