Baby Sleeping thru the night



Our baby is 16 weeks old and is bottle fed. He takes his last bottle at about midnight 3-4 oz and sleeps straight the night and wakes up at about 6.30 in the morning. My question is should we wake him up in the middle of the night to feed him some more or let him sleep. He is on a smaller size and weighs about 5 kgs

Will appreciate any suggestions
i wish my daughter would sleep thru from midnoght to 6. she's now 2 years old & still wakes up at 3am for a feed.

your baby will wake up if he's hungry. some babies sleep thru after they're 3 mths old. if you're worried about him being small (are you or your husband on the small side? if so, it's just genes), you can give him maybe 0.5oz more at each feed during the day, and see whether he'll take it.

you should enjoy the straight sleep!
He should be fine. My daughter cut out her middle of the night feed a little over 2 months and dropped her 10/11pm feed at 4 months, sleeping from 7pm-7am. She was not a very big baby either at birth, 6 lb 5 oz. As long as your baby is gaining the right amount of weight and gets all the nutrition he needs during the day, he will be fine. I'd say enjoy the peace and quiet you get now, cos once they start teething, you'll wonder where that wonderful compliant baby you had had gone! I know that I do!
i agree with andreay. my 10mth old baby been waking up so many times in the night these days and i really wonder how i can let her sleep thru the night. When she was younger, she used to be able to sleep thru the night with only 1 night feed ard 5am. But now, she will wake up in the middle of night, cry and fuss. Anyone can share your experience and how i can minimise the number of times she wake up in the middle of the night?

desperate mum
If it's teething problems, sometimes a little Calpol before bedtime work. I have tried Bonjela and homeopathic teething granules, but I find them only temporary measures, effects not lasting long enough for them to sleep thru, but they do ease baby's discomfort momentarily and they do go back to sleep quicker. I have another problem with my 13 month old now, she is getting smarter and when she wakes up now, would only stop crying if I go into her room. She'll keep on crying even if Daddy picks her up with me standing right by, but immediately quieten down if I hold her. I think I may have to start controlled crying again soon.
I wouldn't risk waking her! Count your lucky stars that she's already sleeping through the night. She'll wake if she's hungry.
thanks for all your advice . Will be visiting his Doctor next week will check if he is gaining weight and becoming taller and then will thank our lucky stars that he sleeps thru the nite