baby ECZEMA - any advice on products?


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I know there've been plenty of past threads on this but just wondering if there are any new products (or old ones that work) out there that anyone's been using for baby eczema? my 6 month old has got ugly angry red scaly splotches all over his arms and back. doesn't seem to bother him too much but I am sure it is not comfy :-(

Thanks for any advice!
Could it be a reaction to something that you are eating if you are breastfeeding your son? Might be worth checking it out through skin prick/RAST testing. I took him to an allergy specialist and found that my son (then 3 months old) had developed peanut and egg white allergies. We did use mild hydrocortisone cream -0.5% which was prescribed, and also the doctors told us to lock the moisture into the skin by putting vaseline onto him directly after his bath (not dry him first so that the vaseline 'seals' the skin) and this helped a lot as well. Just thought I'd share in case it helps you.
We try to avoid all hydrocortisone creams, but we moisturise, moisturise, moisturise immediately after his bath and a few times during the day. I like Dermaveen (both the regular moisturiser and the eczema cream) and Aveeno moistureisers, but Vaseline is good too.
Yes, forgot to mention for the hydrocortisone cream, we were also advised to use only for 5 days. They also told us that frequent bathing was drying out our babys skin and to bathe him only once a day and then use the vaseline. Best to see a pediatric dermatologist if the situation gets worse as knocking it on the head early makes a big difference.


Let me know if you need any further info -happy to help.
Thanks so much everyone! Snagito - I do BF but have not changed my diet since his birth and the rashes only cropped up when he was 3 months old. So I don't know...

A friend recommended QV cream from Watsons/Mannings... anyone used this before?
Hi there. I use hydrocortisone as well - actually on a daily basis as the rash never seems to go away.. =(... honestly, i just about tried all sorts of cream there is on the market. there is no one cream that works for all babies. You just have to trial and error. Currently, I'm using the DML Forte cream which seems to work. They can all be found over the counter at mannings or watsons..
hi there,

sorry to hear this has also happened to your baby. My son is almost 9 months and eczema started to show on his body since a week after his born. we took him to see DR. chiu and he has give some creams for bathing and afterwards, it has been working so well so far. I dont want mention the names of it here- in case this is not right for your baby. but i would definately suggest you to see Dr. Chiu. let me know if you need his no. and address.
I would also suggest you take baby to doc just in case. My son had eczema from 6 mths and doc prescribed mild hydrocortisone. it worked very quickly but I wasn't too keen on the idea so tried to use as little as possible. He also prescribed Physiogel (cleanser & lotion) which he still uses (now 20 mths old). you can get Physiogel in selected Mannings if you want to give it a try?
My 5 month old baby also has eczema. My dad is a dermatologist and says the best thing is to moisturise every few hours (I do it at every nappy change), and after bath when the skin is still slightly damp. In terms of products, he says they are all much of the sameness, but try to go for a fragrance free moisturiser, e.g. QV, Cetaphil. I've been using QV and find that it works quite well. He also says there's no need to use bath oils or soaps as they tend to dry out skin, just water is best. As for hydrocortisone, use sparingly and only if the eczema is quite bad.
avene cold cream has worked wonders for us. unfortunately, i haven't seen it anywhere in hk yet. i'm buying mine from switzerland (resp. my parents send me supply over). cetaphil lotion has proved okay too, so has oilatum cream.
i now use the steroids cream without hesitation when my daughter starts to scratch more severe areas. it is, after all, the only thing that brings instant relief. her skin has substantially improved, however, with the avene cold cream.

nb: different products have different effects on different people. so, you really can only try out what's available in the market :(
Hi Yan88 and Mumbloxy - thanks for your advice! I hope your babies are doing better. Eczema sucks!!

Actually I took my 6mo old to our family doc yesterday who suggested (in addition to some creams) that we do a hair analysis on my baby to determine the "metallic component" in his body as a way to figure out what he may be allergic to. Anyone heard of or had your baby do a hair analysis before??
Thanks Pangmei and Mosmom! I tried QV yesterday and it seems to be working... any thoughts on doing a hair anaysis?
Mosmom - Some Avene products are available in HK. I bought some from a little store on D'Aguilar street (across from Century Square) in Central. I'll look next time I pass by because I can't remember the address and it's upstairs in an office building, but they often have an advertising board/banner outside showing their products. I really like Avene products too - esp the Eau thermale spray which seems to help soothe my LO's eczema.
My 3month old son has eczema on his face and neck. The pediatrician we saw gave him hydrocortisone and aqueous creme. So far, we've only used the aqueous creme after bathing and his skin has improved. The dryness and hives on his face are gone while the worse ones on the neck have subsided a little. We are very cautious in using hydrocortisone since it contains steroid, even if just a little, because i have heard about "addiction" and becoming "desensitized" to it. So we are "reserving" the use of it if it becomes worst.
eczema relief

Hi all, I have a baby girl who is suffering from eczema since bith, and the typicla creams just don't cut it. I was on a trip to england earier and foudn out about this water called willow water, many people suffering from eczema has praised about it. I contacted the manufacturer and found out there is a distributor in HK.

I have been ordering the order for few months for my baby and I notice huge improvement in her condition. The ezcema is still present, but she is not as dry, itchy, or red, so I thought i woudl pass along the information to you, as I don't see the distributor doing much to promote this product. Anyway, they do free deliveries, and i am receiving that services, their website is, I hope this will help.
Mosmom - You can get Avene products from Alice Skincare at Room 307 Yip Fung Building on D'Aguilar Street in Central. I walked by a few days ago and saw their advertising banner again.
It is very common that baby got eczema in HK. Take your baby to doc is the best way. But I think it is also important to use mild and gentle products on your baby. Don't use those with chemicals, try those natural and organic skincare, clothing, etc.