Baby Bjorn Active/Ergo baby carrier & Fisher Price


Registered User
Hi ladies,

I want to get a Baby Bjorn Active (with lumbar support), an Ergo baby carrier and a Fisher Price Calm Vibrations bouncer chair. I just thought if anyone had one to sell, I would be happy to discuss buying. Please send a PM.

Many thanks!
Well if someone has the infant insert for the Ergo, then I probably would not get the baby bjorn active but if they don't then I'll just get both...;-)
Bumps 2 Babes in Central called me today saying they had the infant insert in stock, so you may want to check them out if it's the infant insert thats stopping you from going ERGO all the way.
I'm selling a baby bjorn active ... it's black with silver trim. I also have a Fisher Price bouncy seat for sale (kick n play) and a "dream machine" crib soother. Pictures over on asia expat classifieds.