Baby Bath Tub


Ok, don't laugh...but I can't wean D off his baby tub. He just loves it and he gets hysterical if I put him in the big tub. I think he's afraid of the shower.

I've put the baby tub in the big tub thinking he would slowly get used to the idea. But he won't sit until his tub is back on the counter.

My next course of action is to buy a whole set of new bath toys to lure him in. Any other ideas?

Tub Tints & other stuff

Hi Rani,

Getting in the tub w/ him?

But, the best thing I found were "tub tints". I think you can get them at Stepping Stones. They are little pellets that change the color of the water, but don't stain the child (or the tub).

When my son was doing a bit of "bath refusal" I used them as bribes: "Get in the tub and you can have the 'magic' and change the color."

You have to be firm and make sure they are in the tub, sitting, before you hand it over. Otherwise they can throw the pellet in and make to color change w/out being in the water.

I've also found (now) that bath beads can make a good bribe too, but you have to make sure your kid doesn't squeeze the bath oil into his or her eye.

Also, you might want to get some sort of plastic mat for the bottom of your tub, to prevent slipping which can be scary for a little kid.
Thanks Loupou for all the wonderful tips and the tub tints what a brillant idea.

We have tried bathing with him but that was a while ago. I guess we should give it another go.

Thanks again.

Have you tried the bath seat. Maybe if you put him in that, in the tub he will feel more secure !
See you
Hi Paru,

He didn't care for the bath seat either.

PS - Have your recipe - wil bring it tomorrow.

D finally got into the big tub without any tears. He wouldn't sit so he ended up having a shower. This is after a week of getting into the tub with him. :bounce:

Thanks Loupou!


Hi Rani,

Congratulations on this milestone.

As they get older, life gets better (except for lacking the sweet soft vhibbiness of baby/toddler to hug). I now can run the bath, tell the kids to get in, and leave the bathroom door open and read a book or magazine while they play in the tub. Just have to keep my ears open for the sound of major waves and splashing and go in for final check of behind ears, etc. before drying them.
Aiya! We can't get him out of the tub. :eyesroll:

I know he has to make up for lost time but bath time now takes forever. Plus if we accidentally leave the bathroom door open he'll run in and try to jump in.

What's the best way to get them out?
