Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper or similar


Registered User
May I ask what are people's experiences with the co-sleeper?

I have bubs in the bed at the moment and it's a bit cramped. He won't go in the Moses basket at the side and I feel it's because he can't see me.

The Arm's Reach co-sleeper is only for sale in the states as far as I know and fairly expensive so I was hoping for some feedback to help me decide.
Excellent. Love it! Used a bassinet w/ first baby and all the getting up at night was terrible. This way I just sit up, grab babe, stick her on the boob, lie back down. When she's done I just throw her (gently)back in the co-sleeper. You can contact the company and they will ship here - it's made in China anyway (although I got mine secondhand before I knew this).
Not sure - take a look at the web site (just google the name) and there is probably a 'contact us' link, they should be able to tell you. I would say that you can't put a price on a good night's sleep...
(and having seen what some people spend on baby beds this seems like a good value option - also you can use it later as a playpen/travel cot)
you can order them in from Singapore OR if you have the space in your bedroom you can modify a normal cot.
My husband made our regular cot a co-sleeper and it is still working very well with our baby who is now nine montsh.