any high risk doctors in hong kong?


Registered User
hi all,
I am currently pregnant with baby number 2 and am looking for a doctor familiar with high risk pregnancies. I had a wonderful high risk doctor back in the states due to my circuation problems (bulging veins in legs) and I was put on heparin shots to avoid blood clots, etc etc. When I went to a doctor here, he kind of seemed to blow me off as it I wouldnt be needing that this time around, even though i am only 8 weeks pregnant and the pain in my leg is already bothering me and bulging. any help would be appreciated. thanks, ale
I have no personal experience in this area, but I have heard from 2 other couples (both expats) that they were referred to Queen Mary Hospital for their high risk pregnancies. Both had very good experiences there and were impressed by the follow up and service quality levels of both doctors and nurses. My one good friend was carrying triplets (which is what put her in the high risk category) and her first child had been at the Matilda so she was a big apprehensive about "going public"... but she absolutely was impressed and happy with QMH throughout the process and continues to talk about her great experience there.

Good luck!!
I am high risk case myself with APS, ie antiphospholipid syndrome and high blood pressure. I had 3 unexplained miscarriages and if not for my own initiative to go and see an endocrynologist in Hong Kong over 18 months ago, who did tonnes of specialist tests, I would not know why this had happended. My ob gyn at the tme, just told me keep trying, whch in hindsight was useless advice. Luckily I have a mild case with no strong clinical indicators ie markers coming from blood tests, but had always bruised easily and had always had cold feet and hands, ie poor circulation which all adds up to classic symptoms. I had no issues getting pregnant but could not hold on to the pregnancy as my autoimmune system would shut down the supply of blood and oxygen to the foetus. I was lucky that at the begining of my current pregnancy that I was staying for a few monts in Singapore and I was recommended a very knowledgeble doctor at Raffles Hospital. I have been on mini asprin, Cardiolipin, for a year now, and it seems to have done the trick.

In Jan 08, I came back to Hong Kong, and I have been to a few ob gyns here and can genuinely say a lot of them are not even aware of what APS means in pregnancy.

But I would recommend Dr Grace Cheung. I have 2 weeks to go to delivery, and she has been very good. I am sure there are other good ob gyns but I just did not find them in Hong Kong. If I waited and kept trying as my first ob gyn in HK recommneded, I would not be where I am today.

My advice is to be very upfront about it to your docs an ask them a lot of claryfying questions to see if they are familiar with APS at all. If not, dont waste your time. If they are, hold on to them.

Good luck.
Hi Asalles and Ania8888,

Did you finally find the high risk pregnancy doctor in HK? What is his name? I know that this thread is an old one but I am currently pregnant & I have blood clots as well. Any advice to which doctor or which hospital would be great.
