Air conditioning in babies room


Registered User
now its getting warmer - do you put aircon on in babies room? I find even at 22 degrees air con setting it seems pretty cool in there.
I totally agree with you. I bought one of those Grobag eggs and they recommend between 16-19 degrees if your baby sleeps in a Grobag. I'm freezing at 19 degrees! But then again they also say that if you're uncomfortable, the baby probably is too. I was also told by the midwife to make sure that the baby doesn't have air blowing directly on him or her. But I'm going to have her check the temp, etc. when she comes for a home visit in a few weeks. The air also makes the room really dry in our flat - not sure if that's so great either.

Sorry to not be of much help. Am looking forward to the other responses!
thanks - i had it on for the last two nights only for the first two hours of his sleep - it was on 23 degrees cool and low, the room felt comfortable for me, but now he has a runny nose and a little cough, so i am wondering if this is from the air con. Without it, my room on the grobag temp (not the egg, just the one that comes with the bag) is otherwise saying 24 - 26 so its too warm without.
I have same concern too! My boy is so warm he's already just wearing short sleeve + shorts. I had air-con at 22 degrees and his feet and neck are warm to touch even WITHOUT blanket!
We don't turn on the aircon in our son's room. I also don't like the air to blow directly on him. Usually we turn on the aircon in the living room or study room and just open the doors so the air can go from the living/study room to the bedroom. Our flat is small and one aircon is enough for the whole flat.
But we don't have helper living with us, so opening all the bedroom doors while we sleep is ok with us.
Hope this help.
I don't think those Grobag eggs are designed for use in room with aircons. With aircon you have a "windchill factor" which means that 22C feels a lot colder than 22C would feel in a non-aircon room. I personally feel more comfortable with 24 or 25C aircon, with thin clothing and Grobag.

I think it's a huge waste of energy and money to have aircon so cold that you have to add extra bedding, and doesn't help the babies cope with the hot summer outdoors!
JennyB, I totally agree with you. I swaddle my 6 week old baby in the thinnest possible muslin wrap and dress him in short sleeved onesies underneath at nightime. The temp gauge registers at 25 degrees and he seems quite happy, even though I'd be happier with 24 degrees. Unfortunately the A/C in the nursery is one of those old window units with irregular temp control, so it's either 19 or 25 degrees!
I have to disagree. I prefer to make the room colder and have baby dressed in long sleeve onesie and growbag with a cotton blanket over the top. If I don't have air-con on then the room is 26D - and very sticky, esp in the morning and during the day when the sun just heats up the whole window and wall making it very hot!

We have the old window a/c which is completely useless but it is better than nothing. I also use a vaporisor when needed