Hi Everyone, I am in need of some serious advice regarding my kid who will turn 3 in Aug. He goes to a playschool at the moment and will start K1 in the new term in Aug. He might have some developmental issues - not very obvious when you first see/interact with him. However, his teacher says he has comprehension and interaction problems. She is unsure if he is just being stubborn or really not understanding her instructions. At the playground, he cannot interact with children his age, and often repeats what we ask him to do. He does recognize colors, shapes, numbers, but even we feel he is far behind children his age or even 6 months younger when it comes to responding/interacting/agility of a toddler. Problem is, he can say things, observe very well on his own, but when we try to strike a conversion he doesn't quite understand what we are saying. Also, he has very high levels of anxiety - separation from me (mom) - he would just want to rub/touch my arm for comfort till he sleeps, doesn't want me to be out of sight even for a moment, he cries when I drop him to the playschool even though he has been going there for a while. We are trying to potty train him but again - he wouldn't say yes or no when I ask him. Though you wouldn't spot the difference when you first meet him or for a short while. Now, we tried going through the public route, even got a filled form by his teacher who has clearly mentioned the problem, but the pediatrician didn't feel (after meeting him) that there is any serious problem. So, even though she has referred us to the Duchess of Kent Childrens hospital in Sandy bay for an assessment, she said it wouldn't happen until the next 6-9 months due to the long queue and since the matter/problem is not very urgent/obvious. We, on the other hand, feel that a clinical intervention as early as possible and doing the necessary therapies can really help - the problem doesn't look very big as of now, but definitely there is a problem. He is visibly behind kids his age, and we don't want that due to this delay he has even more problems in settling in the new school - which is very likely as even now he has a lot of anxiety and instruction comprehension problem in the playschool which is just 2 hrs a day for three days a week. We are now thinking if we should go private and get an immediate assessment. Our biggest problem is the budget - we are an expat family and we need an English based system. We are looking for a clinic which is not very money minded (-to not unnecessarily coax us into money minting therapies) and doesn't cost us a fortune - both for the one time assessment and the regular therapies. Any recommendations ? Any good/bad experiences ? We have just discovered this whole thing as until now we were hoping that our kid will grow out of it eventually, but a family pediatrician (not based in HK) indicated that our kid does need external/clinical support. Any help/names/recos would be very very helpful. Thanks very much.