4 month poopies every 6 days...normal?


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My 4 month only poopies every 6 days (excuse language) ...but is this normal? Is anyone experiencing this? My pediatrician says some can go up to one week. and somehow this is not making me feel any better.
Hi Avi,

As long as your baby doesn't seem fussy or having stomache, then he should be fine. Just wondering if he's on BF or formula, any soild food?. If on formula, have you tried using different brand? Let me know, I can give you some recommendation!
Hi Avi,

When my daughter was being exclusively breastfed, she would have a bowel movement every 10 days. We talked to anyone who would listen (because we would have felt better about her going more often). We were told that as long as she seemed comfortable and that the stool was soft it was not a problem. Apparently breast milk is such an efficient food that it can reabsorb in the baby?s tummy, and therefore won?t create a lot of waste. Mind you, with that said, every time our little girl had a bowel movement it was an explosion! A great book on breast feeding and other assorted issues (such as bowel movements) is Dr. Jack Newman?s Guide to Breastfeeding.

hi meow meow- i'm am breastfeeding exclusively..but am soon going to introduce formula-which one would you recommend?

thanks erin. i feel much better knowing that someone else understands and has gone through the same.
Our five month daughter, who is fed abot 80/20 breast and formula, only shits about once every six days, we asked our midwife Hulda about this and she said that anything up to ten days is ok.
Hi Avi,
I also breastfed exclusively and like Erin's girl, my son would have a big (yes, 'explosive' really describes it) bowel movement every few days. It was always soft too. Our trouble started when we began solids. We started with rice cereals when he was 5+ mths old and then for the next 2 months, the poor guy could only go once in 2 weeks. Mind you, it wasn't hard or dry, but he cut down quite a bit on nursing and didn't put on any weight during that time! Our doctor said it was OK as his tummy wasn't bloated. Apparently our son's gut needed time to adjust to working on solids, since breastmilk was so easy to digest before. Our doctor also said that rice cereals can have a constipating effect on some bablies. So I started giving him fruit too and everything turned out fine.