3 yrs in Oct. 07 - daycre or kindergarten?


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We are going to move to HK in July. And I am wondering if I should put my child, that turns 3 in October put into daycare or kindergarten? What are the exact age regulations for Kindergarten in HK? (Any webpages?)

the only daycare, that i know of, in HK is offered by the gov't.
many hk kids start kindergarten as young as 18 months-2 years of age and go for 3 years or so.

it's up to you what you decide to do. many of us have live-in helpers, so that if we work, child care is not a worry.

good luck with your move!
Many kindergarten requires the children to be fully 3 yrs old by sept. However, there are some Kindergarten which also run Pre-nursery school. Some of them half day and some of them full day. If money is not an issue, I think it is much better than doing nothing all day at home.