1yo Qi Pao dress?


New member
hi mommies

Would like to know if there are shops in HK ( preferably Central) which sells Chinese Qi Pao for 1 yo old baby girl?

the material has to be comfortable ( ie dont think those linen type material are THAT comfy) perhaps in cotton or some sort of "silk"?

The lanes in central ? and anywhere else?

I have to do a super quick shopping with baby in the stroller so please be very precise in terms of location ( am afraid that bubs will yell her lungs out due to heat and boredom)

sorry, I haven't seen anywhere on the island other than Stanley Markets where you can buy them (I'm sure places like Linva will make for you but will cost a bomb). The place I always go to for any Chinese children's outfits is to Yue Hwa Chinese department store directly above Jordan station. They are reasonably priced and there's quite a variety.
we got one in stanley, too.... but i had to get my daughter's fairly large. my girl is not huge but the sizes were very strange. it was too long for her, but too tight around the neck...
They have lots of little stalls in the Lanes selling them, they pretty much all sell the same stuff, so if it's too hot for you, just go to one nearest, whichever side you are approaching the lanes from.
Why don't you take MTR and go to Jordan and shop around in Bowring Street (C2 Exit) and Yue Wah Chinese Goods (A Exit)?