13 mth old & hotel rooms


Registered User
We are finally going on holiday (not visiting parents) and will be staying at a hotel for a couple of nights. Question is, as our 13th month old's crib will be in our room, how will we get her to go to sleep with lights/ tv on. There is no way that Daddy and I can go to sleep at the time she does! Does anyone have advice/ experience on this?
We would hang out in the bathroom while our baby went to sleep then found that covering the crib with a blanket to keep it dark and moving it into the hallway (so to speak) allowed us back into the room. We'd keep the tv etc low and generally had no problems. I've heard that some people do it the other way - they put the babies/toddlers in the bathroom. If you do that you might want to get them to sleep first in the bedroom then roll them in the crib to the bathroom as i can't see many babies being happy to fall asleep in a bathroom!
I try to get a room where the crib fits into the bathroom and keep the lights off all the time that baby is in there. She doesn't really know where she is, just that it is dark and therefore bed time. Works like a treat, then my husband and I can watch TV/read etc. Make sure there is no volume for the TV in the bathroom though!! Happy holidays xxx
no new ideas. But we did something similar to the top one when staying at my in-laws. I was surprised at how well she slept when we were in the room. They usually sleep really deeply in the first few hours of sleep so hopefully you will be okay. Have a good holiday.
we just came back from our holiday with 15 month sleeping in a crib in the room. we could watch TV very low volume or read a book whilst he was asleep. actually went for dinner late also as he took his naps at 4.30 so he was fresh enough to stay up till 21.00-22.00.Didnt try putting the baby to sleep in the bathroom thought it was big enough but was afraid he would get up and jump right out.

It was easier than we thought so just relax and enjoy your vacation