Baby?s First Teeth - Tooth Eruption Patterns


Baby?s First Teeth - Tooth Eruption Patterns

D's first teeth made a grand appearance last week, and we went thru every teething symptom possible. :bawling:

Well it got me researching on teeth eruption patterns. Here's what I found:

Usually the first baby teeth to come into the mouth are the two bottom front teeth. They begin to appear when your child is about 6 to 8 months old. They are followed by the 4 upper front teeth. The remainder of your baby’s teeth will appear periodically, usually in pairs on each side of the jaw, until the child is about 2 1/2 years old.

By the time your child is 2 ? years old, all 20 baby teeth will most likely have come in. From this point until the child is 5 to 6 years of age, his/her first permanent teeth will begin to erupt. Some of the permanent teeth replace baby teeth, others don't.

The following picture shows approximately when each baby tooth should erupt. Do not worry if some teeth are a few months early or late. Every child is different.



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HI rani,

my baby is also showing all classical symptoms of teething, and driving me crazy by waking up 5 times a night screaming and crying. i have to nurse her to sleep making me totally sleep deprived. What methods are you using to relieve pain? i am using Bonjela and homeopathic remedies but they work only for a short time enough to make her sleep but she would wake 40 mins later screaming in pain again. this goes on for the whole night.

anyone out there who can help me gain back my sleep again????? incidentally, she has cut the two bottom teeth but no signs of anything on the top gums.
Hi Mummy,

I feel for you. Hang in there, remember that this will all be over soon. D had the worst teething symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, no appetite.
I did give him the homepathic powders and gels during the day. At night I gave him Calpol.

Hello Rani,

Last night was the worst ever - she woke 6 times wanting to nurse AND play afterwards. Even flipped onto her tummy and cooed a couple of times to get my attention. Becuase of the extracurricular activity last night, she is now still asleep at 10am! I stood by her cot contemplating if I should wake her up but decided to let her sleep. Now I am worried if she is going to push her bedtime routine even later and treat night as day!!?

Do you give your homeopathic remedies / Calpol every night? and do you give before bedtime or in the midle of the night when he cries? I am thinking of giving her at bedtime every night, i guess before the screaming session starts but worry it may be overkill as she may not be in pain that particular night.

J also has no appetite of solids. I tried so hard though to give her some as I don't want her hungry at night with drinking breastmilk alone. What do you thnk?